That's pretty simple.
Personal information is information that identifies an individual or allows their identity to be readily worked out, e.g. their name, birthdate, or address. PointAPointB doesn't request any such information from its users.
PointAPointB does store one or two railway stations commonly visited by the user as a core part of its operation, but this isn't aggregated with other information. Also, while it does make use of network-based data to check real-time timetable information, it does not send any user-specific or device-specific identifiers when it does so.
This will be made clear before you select to upgrade.
Given that PointAPointB doesn't capture or send personal information currently, the way it works won't change unless you upgrade the app. Any changes to the way personal information is handled will be made clear in the new app version details (such as provided by the app store) and will also be described here.
If you are concerned about how future changes to the app might impact you, please do not set the app to automatically update.
This policy was last updated on 19th January, 2020.
If you want to ask questions about this privacy policy or how the PointAPointB app handles personal information, feel free to contact the author Andrew E Scott via the details on their website.